Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Automating sftp with expect script

I got a request to automate the sftp process. I find it difficult with shell script. I find an easy way to do with
expect script.

The following packages need to be installed on the SUN server for the expect script. I downloaded the x86packages from sun freeware as I'm running the script from an x86 server.


1)pkgadd -d tcl-8.5.3-sol10-x86-local

2)pkgadd -d libgcc-3.4.6-sol10-x86-local

The following packages are available:
  1  SMClgcc346     libgcc
                    (x86) 3.4.6
Installation of was successful.

3)pkgadd -d expect-5.43.0-sol10-x86-local 

The following packages are available:
  1  SMCexpect     expect
                   (x86) 5.43.0
Installation of was successful.

The expect will installed in the /usr/local/bin directory.

The script is as follows

#!/usr/local/bin/expect -f
#This is the expect script wrote to automate the sftp process to pull files from a server as per the date and #then push the files to another server.
set timeout -1
set DATE [exec date "+%Y%m%d"]
log_file  "/home/ftp/logs/sftp.log"
send_log --  "####-Starting  SFTP script-  [exec date] \n"
send_log --  "Today's date:[exec date] \n"
send_log --  "Downloading files through sftp \n"
spawn /usr/bin/sftp jim@
expect "Password:"
#sleep 5
send "jim123\n"
expect "sftp>"
send "cd /export/home/jim \r"
expect "sftp>"
send "ls \r"
expect "sftp>"
send "get *.$DATE \r"
expect "sftp>"
send "quit \r"
sleep 5
send_log --  "Today's date:[exec date] \n"
send_log --  "Uploading files through sftp \n"
spawn /usr/bin/sftp jim@
expect "Password:"
send "jim123\n"
expect "sftp>"
send "cd /export/home/jim \r"
expect "sftp>"
send "put *.$DATE \r"
expect "sftp>"
send "quit \r"

I can shell script from expect script. I have another requirement to pull yesterdays file through sftp server. Thank god that was a Linux server and to get yesterdays date in Linux is easy :)

set DATE [exec /home/ftp/date.sh ]

The above line will call the date.sh script to get yesterdays date. 
date.sh script is as below

[root@]# cat date.sh
echo $(date  --date='1 day ago' "+%Y%m%d")
#End of script


  1. Hi Jibby George,

    Thanks a lot for posting this.
    I was really fed up googling this, but finally stick to your site and works perfectly.

    Thankyou Man. you are so special. you made it so easy.


  2. Hi Jibby,
    I have a similar requirement. Your method of doing that is impressive. I tried to follow this. But, the glitch here is that the sftp user name has a special character $ in its name. While running the script the spawn/expect/send libraries are treating the text after $ symbol as a variable. Is there a way that you think of to get away with that. I tried single quotes, double quotes around the user name but no luck.

    Thanks for your help.


  3. HI Naresh , thanks for that. Its been a while I worked with expect. There should be a way to do that. If I figure out something will post here.


  4. Great! Thanks much for your help Jibby.


  5. Hi Jibby, found a solution to get away with the $ symbol using expect. When I place the \ (backward slash) in front of the $ symbol, then it works fine.


  6. How can I check to see if the password is invalid or expired? I have a similar task to automate. Nice script.

  7. I was able to figure out my check for invalid or expired password. The system I was connecting to does not tell you if the password is invalid, it just gives the password prompt over and over that is why there is a second expect for the password prompt. I also put in a check for upper and lower case prompts. After doing the spawn of the sftp command it goes like this:

    spawn sftp mylogonid@someserver
    expect -re "password|Password:"
    send "mypasswd\r"
    expect -re "password|Password:" {
    puts "Password was not accepted \n"
    exit 2
    } -re "expired|Expired" {
    puts "Password Expired \n"
    exit 3
    } -re "invalid|Invalid" {
    puts "Password Invalid \n"
    exit 4
    } "sftp>" {
    send "pwd\r"
    expect "sftp>"
    send "put myfilename yourfilename\r"
    expect "sftp>"
    send "bye\r"

    1. I have a simple requirement and try to figure out how to do it in EXPECT.

      after sftp into a server. I want to cd into the latest directory (Note $HOME has directories and files). Any idea a easy way to achieve this??


  8. Worked great! Thank you!

  9. Hi

    I have problem with file transmission (file 200MB +/- 50MB).
    The trasmission had been interrupted before finished dowloading. Rest works good. Any ideas ??

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